BioClub Tokyo - Past, Present & Future
BioClub Tokyo as a Community Bio Lab was proposed by Georg Tremmel in late 2015, the kind help and assistance of Chiaki Hayashi and Mitsu Suwa from Loftwork/FabCafe made the lab and community a reality and a fixture in the the Tokyo BioHacking & BioArt scene.
In this talk we will give an overview of the events and projects that happened (and are happening) at BioClub. We will also give updates about the change of Lab Management and the Organisation Structure of the BioClub Community.
- We will share the origin story of BioClub and how you can use the hard-earned lessons to start your own (bio)hackerspace.
- How we made a 10-day "BioCamp" with 30+ participants from South-East Asia and all over the world.
- The ongoing Finnish Artist-in-Residence programme, in collaboration with the Finnish Institute and SOLU - The Finnish BioArt Society
- The BioHack Academy, a programme for Artists & and Designers to critically engage with Biology
- "How to Grow Almost Anything" in collaboration with the Community Bio Initiative at the MIT Media Lab
Georg will also present ongoing work on creating a public archive of the history, projects and talks that happened (and are happening!) at BioClub.
The last part will be an update about changes in Lab Management and the Organisation Structure of the BioClub Community.
Here is also the Presentation that was the start of BioClub!