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My Skin as a Radar: Environmental Sensor, Stress Meter and Indicator of Change

Speaker: Rage
Date: February 4th 2025, 19:00 JST
Location: BioClub Tokyo & Zoom

"My skin has a chronic condition (Neurodermatitis). Roughly one in ten people have this condition that stems from the intestinal flora. The disease becomes noticeable on the surface of our body, our skin. I have been observing its various reactions when exposed to different environments, like the ocean, the sun, tap water and most importantly stress. In my lifelong research my view has changed from frustration about a chronic condition that i do not seem to have an influence on to seeing its potential benefit. By observing and scanning the environment we are exposed to, we can draw solutions of its health or harmfulness to our bodily system."

About Rage

Rage is a multidisciplinary artist. Using a variety of media in the physical as well as the digital space. Her works aspire to allow a look into the depths of the psyche. She combines the uncanny with the melancholic, the deep calm with the steady unrest. She is currently studying Digital Art at the University of applied arts Vienna. In her previous studies of Wood- and Fibre technology at the University of life sciences Vienna she got in touch with biogenic processes and subsequently built a Biolab at her current Department for becoming artists to explore experimentation and scientific processes through a hands on approach.
