日本語 English
Pino Heye

I'm Pino Heye, an architect and urbanist from Germany. Having studied in Munich, Versailles, and Beijing. After having worked as an architect for a while, I am currently based in Tokyo, to explore urban planning and artistic practice focused on empathy towards the environment and people. Tokyo's organic urban structure and unique blend of art and community action make it an ideal place for developing my ideas in urban planning. I've always been fascinated by urban living and the dynamics of interconnected networks that support each other. I believe strong connections with friends, family, and the community are essential for a good life. Based on these principles, I utilise photography, tactical urbanism, and performances to explore these concepts and to develop an urban planning practice, I'm working on strategies and design methods to strengthen eco-social, economic, and technical networks. Through numerous small-scale interventions I believe that these accumulative positive effects and create a collective environment of empathy sustainability, and support for all urban activities. Artistically, I am exploring the aesthetics of living quality that arise from such ideas.